Julia Yaroshenko (aka Julia from FameGirls.net, Hegre-Art) Thenude thejulia.net
Жанр: Glamour, Erotic, Petite
Количество фото: 5462 фото (4614 в фотосетах и 848 в фотосессиях)
Количество сетов: 51 сет и 44 фотосессии
Разрешение: фотосеты - 3840x5760/7760x10328, фотосессии - 700x874-5227x7227
Дата рождения: 14 августа 1989 г.
Страна происхождения: Украина
Годы съемок: 2015-2023
Фигура: 86-57-86
Рост: 158 см
Вес: 45 кг
Цвет волос: Рыжие
Длина волос: Длинные
Цвет глаз: Зеленые
Звезда Инстаграма, вегетарианка и трэвел-модель Юлия Ярошенко. Кажется, всё еще живет в Москве.
Пак видео -
Список сетов в хронологическом порядке
2015-11-22 - FameGirls - Julia 001 (128) 3840x5760
2015-12-09 - FameGirls - Julia 002 (136) 3840x5760
2015-12-26 - FameGirls - Julia 003 (144) 3840x5760
2016-02-01 - FameGirls - Julia 004 (134) 3840x5760
2016-02-18 - FameGirls - Julia 005 (104) 3840x5760
2016-03-14 - FameGirls - Julia 006 (139) 3840x5760
2016-04-30 - FameGirls - Julia 007 (131) 3840x5760
2016-05-11 - FameGirls - Julia 008 (132) 3840x5760
2016-05-22 - FameGirls - Julia 009 (137) 3840x5760
2016-06-02 - FameGirls - Julia 010 (137) 3840x5760
2016-06-13 - FameGirls - Julia 011 (135) 3840x5760
2016-06-24 - FameGirls - Julia 012 (150) 3840x5760
2016-07-05 - FameGirls - Julia 013 (131) 3840x5760
2016-07-09 - Hegre-Art - Introduction (83) 7760x10328
2016-07-15 - Hegre-Art - Woman In The Woods (47) 7760x10328
2016-07-16 - FameGirls - Julia 014 (140) 3840x5760
2016-07-20 - Hegre-Art - Sunrise (62) 7760x10328
2016-07-25 - Hegre-Art - Monumental Muse (72) 7760x10328
2016-07-27 - FameGirls - Julia 015 (143) 3840x5760
2016-07-31 - Hegre-Art - Nude Figures (45) 7760x10328
2016-08-07 - Hegre-Art - Garden Of Eden (49) 7760x10328
2016-08-07 - FameGirls - Julia 016 (132) 3840x5760
2016-08-13 - Hegre-Art - Nude Body (73) 7760x10328
2016-08-16 - FameGirls - Julia 017 (153) 3840x5760
2016-08-18 - Hegre-Art - Redhead Nudes (39) 7760x10328
2016-08-25 - FameGirls - Julia 018 (147) 3840x5760
2016-08-28 - Hegre-Art - Pool (85) 7760x10328
2016-09-01 - FameGirls - Julia 019 (148) 3840x5760
2016-09-07 - Hegre-Art - Pure Nudes (42) 7760x10328
2016-09-10 - FameGirls - Julia 020 (149) 3840x5760
2016-09-19 - Hegre-Art - Nature Girl (65) 7760x10328
2016-09-19 - FameGirls - Julia 021 (155) 3840x5760
2016-09-29 - Hegre-Art - Horizon (41) 7760x10328
2016-10-13 - Hegre-Art - The Big Blue (45) 7760x10328
2016-10-27 - Hegre-Art - Nude Fashion (67) 7760x10328
2016-11-10 - Hegre-Art - Mermaid (60) 7760x10328
2016-11-18 - Hegre-Art - Red Hot (44) 7760x10328
2016-11-24 - Hegre-Art - Hot Summer (47) 7760x10328
2016-12-04 - Hegre-Art - In Bed (44) 7760x10328
2016-12-14 - Hegre-Art - Morning Light (50) 7760x10328
2016-12-30 - Hegre-Art - Red Fantasy (46) 7760x10328
2017-01-07 - Hegre-Art - Public Nudity (51) 7760x10328
2017-01-20 - Hegre-Art - Self Worship (86) 7760x10328
2017-02-03 - Hegre-Art - Female Form (70) 7760x10328
2017-02-16 - Hegre-Art - Girl In The Garden (62) 7760x10328
2017-02-25 - Hegre-Art - Red Bush (46) 7760x10328
2017-08-02 - Hegre-Art - Racy Redhead (44) 7760x10328
2017-08-05 - Hegre-Art - Ravishing Redhead (38) 7760x10328
2017-08-10 - Hegre-Art - Virtual Sex Object (53) 7760x10328
2017-08-25 - Hegre-Art - Getting Naked (34) 7760x10328
2018-04-25 - Hegre-Art - Freckles Fantasy (54) 7760x10328
Список сетов по студиям
2015-11-22 - Julia 001 (128) 3840x5760
2015-12-09 - Julia 002 (136) 3840x5760
2015-12-26 - Julia 003 (144) 3840x5760
2016-02-01 - Julia 004 (134) 3840x5760
2016-02-18 - Julia 005 (104) 3840x5760
2016-03-14 - Julia 006 (139) 3840x5760
2016-04-30 - Julia 007 (131) 3840x5760
2016-05-11 - Julia 008 (132) 3840x5760
2016-05-22 - Julia 009 (137) 3840x5760
2016-06-02 - Julia 010 (137) 3840x5760
2016-06-13 - Julia 011 (135) 3840x5760
2016-06-24 - Julia 012 (150) 3840x5760
2016-07-05 - Julia 013 (131) 3840x5760
2016-07-16 - Julia 014 (140) 3840x5760
2016-07-27 - Julia 015 (143) 3840x5760
2016-08-07 - Julia 016 (132) 3840x5760
2016-08-16 - Julia 017 (153) 3840x5760
2016-08-25 - Julia 018 (147) 3840x5760
2016-09-01 - Julia 019 (148) 3840x5760
2016-09-10 - Julia 020 (149) 3840x5760
2016-09-19 - Julia 021 (155) 3840x5760
2016-07-09 - Introduction (83) 7760x10328
2016-07-15 - Woman In The Woods (47) 7760x10328
2016-07-20 - Sunrise (62) 7760x10328
2016-07-25 - Monumental Muse (72) 7760x10328
2016-07-31 - Nude Figures (45) 7760x10328
2016-08-07 - Garden Of Eden (49) 7760x10328
2016-08-13 - Nude Body (73) 7760x10328
2016-08-18 - Redhead Nudes (39) 7760x10328
2016-08-28 - Pool (85) 7760x10328
2016-09-07 - Pure Nudes (42) 7760x10328
2016-09-19 - Nature Girl (65) 7760x10328
2016-09-29 - Horizon (41) 7760x10328
2016-10-13 - The Big Blue (45) 7760x10328
2016-10-27 - Nude Fashion (67) 7760x10328
2016-11-10 - Mermaid (60) 7760x10328
2016-11-18 - Red Hot (44) 7760x10328
2016-11-24 - Hot Summer (47) 7760x10328
2016-12-04 - In Bed (44) 7760x10328
2016-12-14 - Morning Light (50) 7760x10328
2016-12-30 - Red Fantasy (46) 7760x10328
2017-01-07 - Public Nudity (51) 7760x10328
2017-01-20 - Self Worship (86) 7760x10328
2017-02-03 - Female Form (70) 7760x10328
2017-02-16 - Girl In The Garden (62) 7760x10328
2017-02-25 - Red Bush (46) 7760x10328
2017-08-02 - Racy Redhead (44) 7760x10328
2017-08-05 - Ravishing Redhead (38) 7760x10328
2017-08-10 - Virtual Sex Object (53) 7760x10328
2017-08-25 - Getting Naked (34) 7760x10328
2018-04-25 - Freckles Fantasy (54) 7760x10328
Список фотографов
Alexander Izumov
Alisa Verner
Ana Dias
Ben Ernst
Boris Bugaev
Chris Bos
Dan Hecho
Dieter Kaupp
Dmitry Borisov
DS Murashov
Fedor Shmidt
Gabriele Rescaldani
Grégory Fountoussov
Joakim Karlsson
Lukas Nijsten
Nicolas Guérin
Nikolas Verano
Oscar Bueno
Paul McMahon
Paul Tremasov
Stepan Kvardakov
Vladislav Spivak
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